Daniel Thomas 44 Pimpernel Drive, Tamebridge, Walsall, West Midlands, WS5 4SG Telephone : Walsall (01922) 616324 E-Mail : daniel@tortyfoo.demon.co.uk International Cricket is (c) copyright 1993-1996 Daniel Thomas. International Cricket is a Windows program and must be installed first before it can be run. This can be done in two ways: - Starting Windows with the command WIN A:\SETUP.EXE - If already in Windows do the following steps: 1) Selecting the File menu from program manager by pressing Alt-F 2) Moving the highlight down and selecting Run ... 3) Entering A:\SETUP.EXE as the program name and pressing Return Follow the instructions within the Setup program to install International Cricket. If the files necessary to install International Cricket are not found on A:\ substitute the correct path for A:\ above. If international Cricket was supplied as a compressed file you will need to unarchive all the files first. International Cricket does not install any files into your WINDOWS or WINDOWS\SYSTEM directories nor does it alter WIN.INI or SYSTEM.INI. Before using the software please read and accept the conditions outlined in LICENCE.TXT. If you are a Vendor of any sort and would like to distribute International Cricket please read VENDOR.TXT. An order form is supplied if you have a printer. Print out the file ORDER.TXT and fill it in. If you do not have a printer please write the relevant details clearly on a piece of paper instead. All orders must be accompanied by the correct payment. Details of the advantages of registering can be found in REGISTER.TXT.